Image of Jersey City

Life  Exists After Academia.         

Formerly in the Network and Security Research (NSR) Lab advised by Dr. Eric Keller   at The University of Colorado Boulder

Image of the City of Chicago


BGP and QUIC protocol implemetations and
eBPf   Information leakage in virtualized environments. 

Image of the Painted Desert, Arizona

Previous Research

Vehicle Telematics - Neutral vehicle
CAN Bus data validation and simulation

Image of Rotorua, Bay of Plenty, New Zealand

The Infrequently Recurring Rust Question of the Day

A daily  question and answer blog.  

Quick Bio

Wrangler of cats.

Email: dwight[-dot-]browne[-at-]dwightjbrowne[-dot-]com



Things I'm passionate about 

The latest in Interesting Articles  

The Future of Big Iron: Telum II and Spyre